Saturday, July 12, 2014

Event Recap + Giveaway: Stephanie Perkins Bloggers' Forum + Book Signing

When Tahereh Mafi accidentally spilled the beans by telling us that Stephanie Perkins would be doing a book signing here in the Philippines, I almost peed myself. And spontaneously combusted because if there is one thing I know, it's that Stephanie Perkins is the Queen of Swoon. (I have been a long time fan of Stephanie, I read Anna immediately when it came out and loved it.) All her books will literally turn your insides into mush and reduce you into a swooning fangirl. Just like the ladies below:

So when I got an invite for the Bloggers' Forum held for Stephanie Perkins, I actually peed myself (just a little bit... TMI?). I kept counting the days of when the event would finally come and when July 6th finally arrived, the world pretty much died of awesomeness. (She actually signed books at Cebu first and the pictures that were posted made me all kinds of excited! I totally stalked the #StephaniePerkinsInPH hashtag.)

As in the norm with the forums, we're always up early so yes, I was awake by 7 AM just to get ready. And so began Ge and I's trek to the forum location. Upon arrival, we met up with a few of our fellow bloggers and of course, snapped a pic. (courtesy of Kuya Guard).

Wind effect like yeah.

Finally, after what seemed like us waiting forever, the guards let us into the mall. We met up with other book bloggers, snapped pics and did our usual shenanigans. So when Chad, our always gorgeous host, entered the premises, we knew things were about to go down.

Chad looking fab, as always. 
Stephanie entering the premises.
Stephanie answering some questions.
And so without further ado, the Q&A portion began. Here are a few things we learned:
  • Etienne was based on two actors, whom Stephanie did not specify because she feels that it'll ruin the youth's image of who Etienne is since most girls like to pretend he's Harry Styles. The two actors are older and one of them is short, like Etienne. Very confident in his sexuality and his height, lol. Most of the personalities of the three guys, Josh, Etienne and Cricket, are reflective of her husband, Jarrod. But Cricket is the most similar to her husband (I love Cricket, he's my fave!)
  • Amongst the three, the best kisser (in general) is Josh. That's all I'm telling you. Hehe.
  • If any of Stephanie's characters were to enter the bookstore, Etienne would most likely head for the History section but Steph feels that Etienne just orders online (lol). Isla and Josh would go to the comic book section and read with each other, they're apparently very private and quiet people. You'd have to sneak up on them to hear what they're saying.
  • Yes, Steph has been French kissed.
  • Stephanie started on Anna and the French Kiss during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) but it took her seven years to finish writing it! It takes her quite a bit to write books.
  • She absolutely loves writing companion novels and if she could, she'd write a book for all her characters. The reason she enjoys writing them is because she feels that no matter how minor a character may seem, they still have a story to tell. She wants to be able to focus on them and give life to their stories. (Seriously, aww!)
  • Stephanie has two new books coming out, one is an anthology (which she edited) entitled "My True Love Gave to Me: Twelve Holiday Stories" (with a super awesome author line up!) and an upcoming Horror set to be released in 2015. (Still Untitled on Goodreads). Steph is actually a huge Horror junkie and for her, writing this book is a way for her to release her "dark side". She loves Stephen King's books, by the way. (Watch out for her news books, okay?)
Well, that's it for the interview! Scroll down for fun pictures and more exciting things!

Stephanie talking about Harry Styles.

Pinoy Book Bloggers with JB!

Me with Jarrod Perkins! He is sooo awesome.


Ge with her Crotchet book. Soon, bb.

Steph and I looking awesome holding ISLA.

In a JB/Chad sandwich.

Stephanie Perkins being super cute! 

Photobombing JB!
Third wheeling on Stephanie and Kayla's hug.

Pinoy Book Bloggers with Chad!

Ge photobombing Stephanie Perkins.

Jarrod Perkins knows what it means! lol
Pinoy Book Bloggers with Stephanie Perkins!
Ge and I looking badass with ISLA.
And so after all that excitement, we stuffed ourselves in Michelle's car and headed to Glorietta for the actual book signing event.

Stephanie's stage.

The book signing crowd, 660+ people strong! (So crazy.)

Smoochy smoochy.

We were told that there were seven people who arrived at super crazy times the day before just to camp outside the mall to meet Stephanie Perkins. Stephanie and Jarrod being the awesomely sweet couple there are, visited them at midnight to greet and take pictures with them. Seriously so nice of them to! The seven overnighters also got ARCs of ISLA and tote bags! Yay for them.

Seven people who slept outside the mall to wait to Stephanie.
THAT's what you call dedication.
Alas, that is where all the excitement ends. I was super exhausted when I got home and since it was a Sunday, I had Monday to face. Sigh. But it was absolutely worth it because meeting Stephanie Perkins was a crazy amazing experience. That was probably the best book signing event I have ever attended, really.

Signed books and mah Polaroid pics!
My copy of ISLA. *dies*
Thank you soooo much to the amazing National Book Store Team for inviting us to the forum! I am looking at you JB and Chad! You two never fail to make these events super fun. And thanks to Ms. Xandra and Sir Miguel, as well. And to Mr. Ariel for helping bring Stephanie Perkins here. And OF COURSE, to the awesome Stephanie and Jarrod Perkins for agreeing to come to the Philippines and sign our books. And to Penguin Teen for the gorgeous ISLA ARCs!! Seriously, thank you. You all rock!! And last but not the least, my parents for letting me attend the event. lol (Some pictures courtesy of Kayla from The Bookish Owl, Jesselle from The Lifelong Bookworm and Kate from The Bookaholic Blurbs! Thanks, pretty ladies!)

See you all at the next event!

So we hosted a giveaway on our Facebook page but none of the winners replied to us (we really don't know why) so we've decided to just move the giveaway here! Yay! So just fill out the form and you're good! Note: This giveaway is only open to residents of the Philippines.

A pretty signed copy for YOU.

Good luck and thank you for reading!


  1. I'm getting the FEELS again reading this :))

  2. OMG thank you for your interview section. We seriously couldn't hear a thing from where were at (if you must know, we're on the 2nd floor :( ) when the interview happened. My favorite is Etienne and I'm curious to know why he would like History. And that ANNA AT ANG PAGLALAP-LAPAN sign really cracked me up. Did Stephanie and Jarrod know what they're holding? I wished I was able to meet you guys. I couldn't seem to get ahold of Pinoy Bloggers in a bookish event. Why is that?

    It was really a great event and I'm excited to know what NBS has in store for us in the upcoming months. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I was browsing my twitter feed when I saw National Bookstore retweeted that you do have this some kind of giveaway and I got excited when I found out that you'll be giving away Stephanie's book. Honestly, I haven't read anything from her yet and that my ebook copy of Ana and the french kiss was still lying beneath my ebook reader like ages. But I got plenty of positive feedback of the book and I would like to read it on the physical aspect of it being a 'BOOK' and not being an invisible downloadable thing. I don't know if you can understand my logic but since I'm still studying my money is way limited to satisfy my bookworm side and that I grasp to ebooks, and then later on nanghihinayang na akong gumastos to buy the real book. Please help me have this, I would love to have it as a real book.

    P.S. Loving the LAPLAPAN thing-y. Can I share it?

  5. I wasn't able to go to any of the event. Manila is too far and while Cebu is only a 30-minute plane ride away, I couldn't because of school. Anyway, it's obvious you had a really awesome time. I'm jealous. The ANNA at ang PAGLALAP-LAPAN made me laugh so hard though ;)

    So.. Who would I like to French Kiss? Ha! WARNER. First name that came to mind and oh so true.

  6. Ohhhh fudge this is such a sensitive question for me hahahaha JK but for the sake of the signed copy of book, aright then! Uhm, I am really fond of a guy who is tall, who has nice arms and kind-of-shy, so I would go for my crush forever, the UAAP mvp Jeron Teng!!! I am really looking forward to french kissing him... even in my dreams only :">

    P.S. one-minute french kiss will do!

  7. I love Kellan Kyle ..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you ^_^

  8. French Kiss... Channing Tatum. :) Then, i would be the happiest girl in the world.

  9. I'd love to french kiss Tom Hiddleston! :) Or Jang Geun Seuk. Hihi.. ^__^

  10. Channing Tatum!! Ultimate crush.. sorry me he's taken but no harm in trying LOL ;)

  11. If I tell you, will you grant it? Lol just kidding. Anyway, it's Daniel Radclicffe even though he already dumped me, Hahahaha, or Matt Lewis since he can also satisfy my standards Lol (Sorry, assuming here) Or just maybe... Christian Grey! Hahaha Actually my list is so long that they are my top 3 for the meantime.

  12. 5sos lmao that'll never happen but THANK YOU FOR THE GIVEAWAY

  13. Dan Radcliffe lol :) Thanks for the giveaway! *fingers crossed*

    Ailla @ Le Bibliophile~

  14. if i'm given a chance? i'd like to french kiss kim soo-hyun

  15. Daniel Di Tomasso aka Killian Gardiner! #WitchEEs

  16. I'd like to french kiss Jang Geun Suk!!!

  17. I'd like to french kiss Lee Min Ho

  18. Oh definitely my Brandon Boyd .. Not only is he the super sexy hot front-man of the band Incubus, but he's also a bona fide philanthropist and artist as well. French kissing him would indeed be a stellar experience for me. d(∩_∩)b

  19. Def Nat Wolff! :))
    Thank you for this giveaway :D
