Review Policy


Thank you for stopping by our blog! If you've ventured out to this portion of our blog, then it means that you either a) want us to review your book or b) you just wanted to take a peek at our policy. If it's option a) then let's talk business *wink*:

Our blog, The Soul Sisters, is an all-age kind of blog. We have no specific age-group that we follow because we believe in diversity and also, we just read everything. We mostly read New Adult and Young Adult  books because it's closer to our age but if we feel like it, we sometimes venture to the Adult group. Key word is "sometimes". Here are the genres that we mostly read are interested in:

  • Contemporary
  • Dystopian
  • Fantasy
  • Historical Fiction/Romance
  • Paranormal Romance

Those are the genres will mostly read but if ever you think that you have a book that will catch our interest feel free to contact us because we are always open to recommendations. Here are the book formats we accept:

  • *eBook (ePub/PDF)
  • Print (paperback/hardcover)
  • ARCs/eARCs

And we accept Indie published books but that also really depends if it is something that matches our preferred genres. Still, feel free to e-mail us about your book because we always want to put exposure on hidden gems that have yet to be discovered.

We always give honest reviews and will not depend on whether we enjoyed reading it or not. We also consider the effort an author gives to writing their books and the time and dedication. Our reviews will not be affected by our relationship with the author or the publisher.

Thank you so much! :)
If you have any questions or inquiries or want to ask us to review your/ a book, shoot us an e-mail at:

the.soul.sisters97 (at) gmail (dot) com

(Please also note that messages that do not properly address us will be ignored. Thank you!)

Have an awesome day and thanks for stopping by!