Let me just say how much I absolutely love the Hush, Hush series so it was pretty much one of the best days ever when Becca Fitzpatrick announced that she would be coming to the Philippines, to meet her fans, sign some books and maybe even kiss some babies heads. But before we get to the exciting bits, let me start with how the day actually started... I woke up, bathed, buffed, polished, drank obscene amounts of coffee (kidding!) and off to Greenbelt I went. I headed up to PowerBooks and this lovely sight greeted me:
Becca's books looking gorgeous like it's nobody's business. |
After looking around, I went and registered for the forum. For the first time in ever, I was the seventh to sign in, I'm normally the first to get in but darn traffic. SMH. But my fellow bloggers were kind enough to reserve the first seat for me because the know how much I loved being number one. Haha, thanks, guys! But I decided to give up my number one seat and let another person use it since I'm a nice person and I'm okay with letting people have their turns.
Then, Kate (from
The Bookaholic Blurbs) and Jesselle (from
The Lifelong Bookworm) and I crossed over to Glorietta to meet up with Alethea (from
Read Now, Sleep Later) an expat who came back to the Philippines to visit her parents. I met Alethea almost two years ago when she visited, no pictures then unfortunately but we were able to snap a few pics this time around. (Still love her name.) Yay!
The three of us bringing sexy back. |
Us at the food court. (Left: Kate and Jesselle. Right: Me and Alethea.)
Thanks, Kuya Guard #1! |
Just outside NBS, Glorietta. Thanks, Kuya Guard #2! |
Kate, Jesselle and I proceeded back to Greenbelt after bidding our farewells to Alethea. We took a couple of selfies and pictures with other bloggers while waiting for Becca to arrive.
Too many bloggers to mention. LOL |
Selfie with the awesome, Mr. JB Roperos! (Missed you, Chad!) |
Selfie with Leslie (from the bibliophile kid) and Lyra (from Defiantly Deviant)!
Adore these girls! |
Hardest Selfie EVER 2.0 |
The making of the Hardest Selfie EVER 2.0 |
After our picture taking fun, it was time for us to settle down because Becca Fitzpatrick was in da houz, yo! I absolutely looooved her hair and OMG, guys, she is sooo nice. Like, legit. #Truth
Miguel Ramos aka Chad Dee stand in.
(But no one can replace you, Chad. ;) ) |
Becca Fitzpatrick answering some questions. |
Becca Fitzpatrick listening intently. |
Here are a couple of things we learned during the forum:
- Even though Hush, Hush is a fictional series, Becca still integrated real life experiences into the book. As well as in her up coming book, Black Ice.
- Black Ice was originally a Paranormal novel until Becca's editor told her that it didn't seem to fit, getting her to change it to a Psychological Thriller.
- Becca's favorite character is Vee and she based Vee on two of her childhood friends, which is why she has a connection with her.
- If Patch were to take Becca out on a date, she imagines that even though he may be rough around the edges and is a total badass, he'd keep the date intimate and yes, snuggling/cuddling included.
- Her upcoming book, Sapphire Skies, is her best one yet (according to her editor and agent) and it is about a girl who is put into the Witness Protection Program after witnessing a horrifying crime and yes, there is a hot cowboy involved. #Rawr
- Becca was also kind enough to donate copies of her books for the library restoration that is happening in places that were severely affected by Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines.
Well, that's it! Back to the pictures! (Btw, so excited for Sapphire Skies!)
And the highlight of our day... (Besides meeting Becca...) Getting ARCs of Black Ice!! EEEEEP. Becca was kind enough to bring a box of ARCs with her to the Philippines and we all got one!! #BestDayEver At first we were kind of worried because Miguel said that they would be raffling off one copy and I knew that I would have to go Hunger Games on everyone for that book but then he surprised us by saying that it was a good thing they had 25 copies of Black Ice with them and we all pretty much died. Thank you sooo much, Becca! You rock. *hugs Black Ice*
Us with our brand new copies of Black Ice! WHOOT. |
The other bloggers with their copies of Black Ice. LOL |
Me with my signature Book Licker pose. |
But back to the signing...
Becca signing books. Yaaay! |
A blurry selfie with Becca. LOL |
Me with Becca looking Fab.
OMG. I got to touch her hair. SO NICE. |
2/5 of the Active Romance Team with Becca. |
In-between signing shenigans! |
BOOM. Photobombed Becca like a boss. #Respect |
Blogger group shot with Becca! |
All of us lovingly holding our copies of Black Ice. |
(I would just like to send a HUGE thank you to the team from National Book Store, JB, Chad, Miguel, Xandra and co. Y'all never fail to surprise us and you've definitely outdone yourselves. And I'm first naming all of you. Kate, Jesselle, Kayla and Hazel from
Stay Bookish for the awesome pictures! Alethea Allarey for going all the way to Glorietta just to meet up with us even though we live really close to each other. LOL My parents for allowing me to go. :)) Last but definitely not the least, Becca Fitzpatrick for coming to our country and for making her day with us so special.)
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